An EV at an electric vehicle charging station.

Buying an electric car

As you get ready to buy an electric car, we have some questions you can ask along with information about charging.

There are certainly advantages to plug-in electric cars, 但至少有一个值得考虑的重要原因:它们的购买成本高于传统的燃气动力汽车. Is that initial expense worth it in the long run? 在购买电动汽车(EV)之前,请考虑这些电动汽车问题和答案。.

What are the different types of electric vehicles?

电动汽车是部分或全部从电力中获得动力的电动汽车. There are four basic types:

  • All-electric vehicles (EV or BEV), which rely on a large battery and do not use gasoline at all.
  • Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV), which can be powered by both electricity and gas.
  • Fuel-cell electric vehicles (FCEV), 它利用电池系统利用空气中的氢气和氧气来发电.
  • Hybrid electric vehicle (HEV), which utilize a gas engine and a motor that uses energy stored in batteries.

What to consider when buying electric vehicles

Electric vehicles, including hybrid and plug-in, 随着越来越多的汽车制造商扩大产品供应,它们的受欢迎程度是否有所提高. 电力和传统天然气的区别主要在于拥有成本和整体拥有体验. 当涉及到购买电动汽车时,差异是非常显著的, you’ll need to ask different questions.

Buying a new electric vehicle

当你开始考虑购买一辆新的电动汽车时,你如何驾驶和你的生活方式需求将是关键问题. 除了知道你想买的车一次充电能跑多少英里之外, here are a few areas to consider.

Passenger and cargo space

  • 它能满足你运载朋友、家人、杂货和其他货物的需求吗?
  • 你是否需要儿童安全座椅,后座是否有足够的空间方便安装?
  • 你打高尔夫球或其他运动,需要一个更大的货物空间的汽车来容纳更大的装备袋吗?

Charging an EV

  • How will you charge your EV?
    • Will you need to install a home charging station?
    • Are there public EV charging stations at your work or regular grocery store?
    • Do you know what level (1, 2 or 3) the charging station is and how long it will take to charge your EV?
  • Is an EV with a faster charging capability worth any extra costs?
  • 你是否生活在一个天气寒冷的州,那里的温度可能是影响汽车一次充电能行驶多少英里的一个因素?
  • 在长途公路旅行时,你会需要一辆汽油动力汽车作为备用吗?
  • Would a hybrid or plug-in hybrid be more practical for you?

While gas stations are plentiful to refuel gas engine-powered cars, there is still a challenge in finding public charging stations, especially when you travel.

Electric car maintenance

而全电动汽车不需要像汽油发动机的汽车和混合动力车那样定期更换机油, 电动汽车仍然需要定期的车辆维护项目,如轮胎旋转和刹车维修. 您还需要了解您正在查看的电动汽车型号的电池组的使用寿命以及更换它的费用. Currently, the service life of a battery pack ranges between 8-10 years in areas of extreme weather and even longer for mild climates.

Purchasing costs

  • How long you will own the EV, and will you buy or lease?
  • 政府是否提供退税或税收抵免来抵消电动汽车价格的上涨?

Federal tax credits for new EV and plug-in hybrids typically range from $1,000 to $7,500, depending on the vehicle model and battery size. 一些公用事业公司提供特殊费率,许多州也提供自己的激励措施.

Buying a used electric vehicle

Buying a used EV may make more sense for your budget. In addition to asking questions about passenger and cargo space, charging and maintenance costs, you will want to ask:

  • How much battery life is remaining?
  • Does this used battery have the same range it did as when it was new?
  • 当电池组达到使用寿命时,更换电池组要花多少钱?

Pros and cons of electric cars

Much like with any car purchase, there are always advantages and disadvantages. 在你权衡决定时,这里有一些利弊的快速概述:


  • Savings on gas and maintenance costs
  • Possible tax credits or rebates
  • Smaller impact on the environment
  • Higher performance, more responsive acceleration
  • Shorter commutes – EVs may be allowed to use carpool lane


  • Higher upfront costs
  • Limited range
  • Long charge times
  • Possibly higher insurance costs
  • Higher utility costs

How long do electric car batteries last?

Most of today's electric vehicles can travel over 200 miles on a full charge when driven at lower speeds (city driving, for example). 在高速公路上行驶会更快地消耗电池储备,可能会导致行驶里程明显低于广告宣传. And there are still some models that prioritize performance over range. Extended-range electric vehicles (EREVs) can increase mileage even more, and a plug-in hybrid, with a gas tank for backup, increases range, too. Remember: Adding an engine means adding gas costs and engine maintenance, including oil changes, which regular EVs don’t require.

Where do you charge an electric car?

There are a few options for charging an electric vehicle at home, but the up-front cost can range from $1,000 to $2,500 or more, 这取决于电动汽车充电站配备的功能. While you can get by with a Level 1 charging station, most homeowners choose to invest in a Level 2 station. 出于环保和经济原因,一些电动汽车车主还投资太阳能电池板充电.

Electric car charging stations

  • Level 1 -通常情况下,这些充电器包括在汽车和使用120伏插座. They can take up to 24 hours to charge a car fully.
  • Level 2 – Homeowners usually select this type of charging station. These require a 240-volt outlet and can be portable or mounted.
  • Level 3 – This is the commercial type you see in public.

How much does it cost to charge an electric car at home?

The average EV requires about 35 kilowatt hours (kWh) to travel 100 miles. While costs consistently fluctuate, let's assume the national average of 15¢/kWh, that's $5.25 per 100 miles — $788 annually for the average 15,000 mile-per-year driver, mainly charging at home. Compare that to $2,082 a year for a gas-powered vehicle, assuming 25 mpg at $3.47/gallon. Plug in your local energy costs to personalize those numbers.

Finding an electric car charging station?

With the recent influx of electric vehicles on the market, it may seem that there won’t be enough charging stations to go around. As of November, 2022, there are currently more than 56,000 public charging stations 在美国各地都有,不过根据你住的地方的不同,可用性也有很大差异. However, an infrastructure bill signed in late 2021 aims to make charging stations more accessible throughout the country. The bill includes $7.50亿美元用于建设一个全国性的电动汽车充电站网络. Visit to check the availability in your area.

Do electric cars save energy?

According to research published by the EPA, total greenhouse gas emissions produced over the lifetime of the vehicle, including manufacturing, are less than the emissions produced over the lifetime of a gasoline car. 诚然,用电力驱动电动汽车可能会产生一些排放,而且制造电动汽车电池比制造汽油车会产生更多的碳污染, these emissions are offset by the lifetime emissions saved by driving an EV. 如果电池被回收利用,这些环境节约可以更进一步.

How do you plan to use your electric car?

考虑一下你在高速公路和城市驾驶的个人组合,以及你想用这辆车做什么. The combination of charging availability, 充电速度和实际行驶里程应参照电动汽车制造商的规定. 所有这些考虑都可以帮助你决定电动汽车是否适合你.

Electric car insurance

If you purchase an electric vehicle, a State Farm® agent would be happy to provide a quote and discuss any questions you may have about insuring and electric vehicle.

本文中的信息来自与State Farm®无关的各种来源(包括State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company及其子公司和关联公司). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. State Farm is not responsible for, and does not endorse or approve, either implicitly or explicitly, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, 由制造商提供的说明或信息或合格专业人员的建议, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

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